South Edwardsburgh Community Centre
24 Sutton Dr.
Johnstown Ontario
  • Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Deputy Mayor Stephen Dillabough
  • Councillor Joe Martelle
  • Councillor Waddy Smail
  • Councillor Chris Ward
  • Rebecca Crich, Clerk
  • Wendy Van Keulen, Community Development Coordinator
  • Candise Newcombe, Deputy Clerk
  • Ms. Linda Chapeski

    Mr. Dave Chapeski

    Mr. Dave Dobbie

    Mr. Rick Foubert

    Mr. Yves Dupont


Mayor Deschamps called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and reminded the members of the public present to sign in on the sheet provided to record their attendance as part of the public meeting minutes.  

Mayor Deschamps welcomed those present, introduced the members of Council and the subject of the meeting. 

It was noted that Council was in attendance to hear comments on the proposed amendments and not to make decisions on the application at this time.

The Community Development Coordinator noted that this meeting was advertised in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act through advertisements in the local newspapers, mailed notifications to public agencies as required by the Planning Act, and advertised on the Township's website and social media platforms. 

It was noted that the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville is the approval authority for local Official Plans and local Official Plan Amendments. The Council of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal was noted to be the approval authority for the Township's Zoning Bylaw and any Zoning Bylaw Amendments.

The Community Development Coordinator noted that anyone who wishes to comment on the proposed amendments would be given the opportunity to do so. Comments made at tonight's meeting were noted to be recorded in the meeting minutes and become public record. Individuals wishing to speak were asked to provide their name for the Deputy Clerk. 

It was noted that should questions arise at the meeting that are left unanswered, they may be addressed in a follow up report from Staff and the Township Planners. 

It was noted that if individuals do not make an oral presentation tonight or a written submission to the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal before the decision is made on these amendments, they will not be entitled to appeal Council's decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal or be added as a party to a hearing unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.   

To be notified of Council's decision, it was noted that a written request must be made to the Community Development Coordinator (CDC). Without this written request, an individual will not receive a notice of Council's decision. 

The Community Development Coordinator noted that Township Council has initiated an initial review of the Township's minimum lot area requirements for residential lots within the Township's rural area and has proposed a general amendment to the Township's Official Plan, under Section 17 of the Planning Act. This was noted to be the second Official Plan amendment since its approval in 2020.

The purpose of the amendment was noted to revise policies to reduce the minimum lot area requirement from 1.0 hectare to 0.4 hectares throughout the Township.

The Amendment was noted to include the proposed changes to a number of sections in the Official Plan, including:

  • Rural Policy Area, section 3.4;
  • Water and Wastewater Services, section 5.4; and
  • General Policies under Land Division, section 7.1.1.

The effect of the amendment was noted to be to establish a new minimum lot area requirement of 0.4 hectares for new lots created within the Township, reducing the minimum lot area requirement for rural properties within the Township where development is to occur on private or partial services. 

To implement the proposed changes to the Official Plan, a general amendment to the Township's Zoning Bylaw is proposed, under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The amendment would establish a minimum lot area of 0.4 hectares and a minimum lot frontage of 45m for the Rural and Limited Services Residential zones. 

The Mayor offered the opportunity for public comments on the proposed amendment. 

Ms. Linda Chapeski asked that Council consider an additional amendment to allow development on existing lots that are within 500-meters of a quarry. Ms. Chapeski noted that the previous zoning bylaw only required a 250-meter setback. The setback was increased during the recent comprehensive zoning bylaw review, making it more difficult to develop on lots that are unable to meet this setback.

Ms. Linda Chapeski noted concerns with water supply availability to accommodate the proposed intensification throughout the Township, highlighting the issue of wells drying up in Osgoode. She requested that Council take into consideration all environmental effects of the proposed intensification and when hydrogeological study may be needed. 

Mr. Dave Dobbie noted his support of the initiative to decrease lot size requirements to encourage development of housing and noted that he believes that the Township's water supply levels would support the proposed intensification. He noted his concerns with restrictions to severing land in the agriculture area and proposed a review of additional areas of the Township's Zoning Bylaw and Official Plan. 

The Mayor provided an additional opportunity for public comment. It was noted that no additional members of the public who were in attendance at the meeting made comments on the application.  

The Mayor noted that written comments could be submitted to Council through the Community Development Coordinator up until the date the decision on the amendment is made. 

The Mayor noted that Staff will work with the Township Planner at Novatech to prepare a final report, taking into consideration any comments heard tonight and any written comments submitted. 

Council will receive the final report and may adopt the amendments at the next regular meeting of Council on November 27th. 

The Mayor noted that should the Official Plan Amendment be adopted by Council, an application will be made to the Counties for approval. Any related Zoning Bylaw Amendment will not come into effect until the proposed Official Plan Amendment has been approved. 

The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m.