Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
Council Chambers, Spencerville Ontario
  • Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Deputy Mayor Stephen Dillabough
  • Councillor Joe Martelle
  • Councillor Waddy Smail
  • Councillor Chris Ward
  • John Hunter (Advisory Member)
  • Karen Roussy (Advisory Member)
  • Sean Nicholson, CAO
  • Dave Grant, Director of Operations/Deputy CAO
  • Rebecca Crich, Clerk
  • Jessica Crawford, Treasurer
  • Mike Spencer, Manager of Parks, Recreation & Facilities
  • Brian Moore, Fire Chief
  • Chris LeBlanc, Manager of Public Works
  • Tim Fisher, Planner
  • Candise Newcombe, Deputy Clerk
  • Natalie Charette, Interim Clerk
  • Mary Tessier, Community Engagement Coordinator

Mayor Deschamps called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:J. Martelle

    That the agenda be approved as presented.


Councillor Ward noted a potential conflict on item 7.b). He noted he would declare should the need arise. 

Concerns regarding impending changes to elementary school competitive level sports were noted, however, it was highlighted that there was limited information regarding the proposed changes. Members suggested extending an invitation to Upper Canada School Board Trustee, Ms. Lisa Swan to make a delegation and clarify the proposed changes. 

  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:S. Dillabough

    That staff extend an invitation to Ms. Lisa Swan, Upper Canada School Board Trustee to be a delegate of Committee and obtain additional information regarding the proposed changes to the elementary school sports programming. 


Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the consultation process to date, the impacts on Township lands, the Official Plan approval process, the implications of proposing to add additional lands to the review, future aggregate mapping implications, and ensuring consultation with land owners. 

There was consensus of Committee to proceed with the request to remove the specified Township lands from the review process without proposing additional lands for inclusion. 

  • Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:C. Ward

    That Committee recommend that Municipal Council requests that the draft letter to the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville be amended to remove the lands described as Areas C, D, G, H and I, and their existing rural designations remain for future Township expansion within the Recommended Agricultural Area Mapping performed by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville.

    T. DeschampsX
    S. DillaboughX
    C. WardX
    J. MartelleX
    W. SmailX
    Carried (5 to 0)

Committee was provided an update following the verification of credentials of NPG Planning Solutions and the flexibility of including additional permitting software within the agreement.   

  • Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee recommend that Council approves the award of the Community Improvement Plan Project to NPG Planning Solutions in the amount of $27,980 + non rebatable HST.


A detailed breakdown of the report was provided to Committee outlining increased eligibility requirements, maximum employment insurance benefit amount, risk with making employee benefits optional, and pension contribution options during and following a leave. 

Members noted opportunities to increase the value of the Township workplace benefits in attracting and retaining dedicated employees.   

  • Moved by:J. Martelle
    Seconded by:C. Ward

    THAT Committee directs Council to adopt the pregnancy and parental leave policy as presented.


Committee was provided with a summary of the reports and clarified various abbreviation meanings, testing processes, and protocols to address positive tests on Township drinking water. 

Committee commended the Environmental Services department on their continued diligence of the Township drinking water. 

  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:J. Martelle

    That Committee recommends that Council:

    1. Receive the 2024 Annual Water Reports for the CWS and EDS; and
    2. Direct staff to post the Annual Water Reports to Township website; and
    3. Direct staff to notify users via social media and newspaper of report availability.

Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the benefit term length, the flexibility of the renewal date, offered rate caps from each provider. Committee inquired about the overall cost to the Township for the insurance broker agreement. 

  • Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:J. Martelle

    That Committee recommend that Council direct staff to instruct W.A. Pakeman and Associates to switch benefit providers from Sun Life to Canada Life effective in 2025 and authorize the Mayor and CAO to sign the agreement.


Committee was provided with a detailed review of the report and discussed the current condition of the Township finances. Discussion was held on expanding the 2025 capital roads program to include Cedar Grove and Pittston roads into the 2025 roads program. 

There was consensus of Committee to include Cedar Grove Road (Fraser Rd. to Noe Rd) and Pittston Road east to the 2025 capital roads program. 

Committee was provided with an overview of the business case and discussed the impending emission standard changes, compared the RFQ versus the canoe procurement process, $70,000.00 deposit amount, and the availability of funding opportunities for the purchase of large assets such as pumper trucks.      

  • Moved by:J. Martelle
    Seconded by:C. Ward

    That committee recommends that council include the deposit, $70,000.00, for the purchase of a fire department pumper in the 2025 budget and direct staff to bring a recommendation to the February council meeting.


    The Chair called a 5-minute recess at 8:25 p.m. 

    The Chair called the meeting back to order at 8:31 p.m.

Committee was provided with an overview of all capital budget items requested under the Recreation and Facilities budget and discussed the following: consultation with corporate partners regarding interest in donations and support, modifications made to the current play structure, increased costs obtaining discontinued parts, and discontinuing the use of the current structure due to growing safety concerns. 

Discussed under item g.1.

There was consensus of Committee to keep all proposed recreation budget items in the capital budget for further discussion.  

Committee was provided with a summary of the business case and discussed the following: the anticipated longevity of a partial depth patch, the implications of the federal election regarding carbon tax costs, and measuring possible savings in deferring the tender process following the federal election. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the business case and discussed the frequency of sidewalk slip/trip insurance claims, current service standards, time lapsed following the last remediation, and excluding Waddel Street from the proposed remediation at a savings of approximately $30,000.00. 

There was consensus of Committee to exclude Waddell Street from the proposed sidewalk capital program. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the business case and discussed the following: mower downtime, current service standards and resident expectations, average lifecycle of the asset, roadside pollinator program, the trade-in value of the asset, the benefits of maintaining a spare unit, and the possibility of in-house maintenance of the unit. 

There was consensus of Committee to keep the item in the budget for future consideration. 

Committee was provided with an overview of the business case and discussed the proposed repairs, the estimated repair life, and the overall  condition of the Cardinal Public Works building. 

There was consensus of Committee to leave this item in the budget for future discussion. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the business case which noted the necessity of the proposed replacement of the oil grit separator. 

There was consensus of Committee to leave the item in the budget for future consideration. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the business case and discussed the mitigation of pump outs required, the cost of a pump out, and the life expectancy of the proposed system versus a traditional system. 

There was consensus of Committee to keep the item in the budget for future discussions.  

Committee was provided with a summary of the business case and discussed the following: success of similar positions in neighbouring municipalities, shared servicing options, feasibility of this type of position with a fleet of 50 vehicles, off-season duties, the benefits of in-house servicing and stocking pertinent parts, reduction in asset downtime, current fleet repair costs, contracting the fleet repairs to one local mechanic, potential to share the position with neighbouring municipalities, the viability and value versus the cost of in-house fleet maintenance, and the viability of a single person managing the fleet.      

There was consensus of Committee to keep the item in the budget for future discussions. 

  • Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:C. Ward

    That Committee extend the meeting curfew beyond 10:00 p.m. 


Councillor Smail inquired about renaming the Cardinal Public Works building in memory of local resident Bill Walker. 

Councillor Ward requested additional information regarding the Canoe procurement process be circulated to Council for clarity of the process. 

Deputy Mayor Dillabough requested a report on the remaining useful life of the Spencerville arena for the February Committee of the Whole – Administration & Operations meeting.

Deputy Mayor Dillabough highlighted the success of the Township in the 2024 Tri-Municipal Food Challenge. 



  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee does now adjourn at 10:08 p.m.
