Council Chambers and by Zoom
18 Centre Street, Spencerville ON
Contact the Township Office to Register
  • Deputy Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Mayor Pat Sayeau
  • Councillor Hugh Cameron
  • Councillor Stephen Dillabough
  • Councillor John Hunter
  • Conor Cleary
  • Greg Modler
  • Cody Oatway
  • Chris Ward

Deputy Mayor Deschamps called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and noted that the office internet connectivity is unstable and suggested that the severance application be dealt with first.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Cameron
    Seconded by:Councillor Hunter

    That the agenda be approved as amended to reorder by moving item 6a.1 before item 5a. due to internet connectivity concerns.


Members inquired when the final draft zoning bylaw will be ready for public view and circulation on the Township website, along with the public feedback form. It was noted that the open houses have been delayed due to the provincial stay at home orders and that the planner is currently working to prepare the draft zoning bylaw for public consultation before it is placed on the website. It was noted that a safety plan has been prepared and the Township would require COVID19 pre-screening for all open house attendees and will provide some supporting information for the public to help in reviewing the zoning bylaw draft. There was consensus from Committee that the finalized draft zoning bylaw for public consultation be published to the Township website before the open houses.

Committee reviewed the report and discussed why a minor variance in a rural zone would necessary to allow for a reduced lot size for the existing agricultural use to continue on the land. It was noted that the current zoning bylaw requires a minimum of 98 acres (40 hectares) for agricultural cash crop, while the property is only 45 acres in size. Members noted their concerns with the 98 acre requirement in the rural area to allow cash crops. It was noted that the new draft zoning bylaw has addressed and removed the 98 acre requirement.

There was a general discussion on why the application applied for 2 severances instead of a single severance. It was noted that both a single and double severance is acceptable for this property due to the 2003 lots of record information. Members suggested removing the requirements for a minor variance since it would not be required under the new draft zoning bylaw.

Members inquired if the small quarry/pit identified in the sketch was active and if the applicant was aware of the aggregate study being completed. It was noted that the pit has been inactive for many years due to the gravel materials being exhausted.  

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Cameron
    Seconded by:Councillor Hunter

    That Committee recommends that Council recommend in favour of severances B-53-21 and B-54-21.


Mr. St. Pierre, Digital Service Squad Member, outlined the South Grenville Digital Main Street and Digital Service Squad focus, including various programs and local success stories. Mr. St. Pierre highlighted some success stories within the Township, including how the digital service squad was able to assist MadMacs in Cardinal to develop a website and social media presence via Facebook to advertise new merchandise and create an online auction. It was noted that 30 businesses are working with the squad to improve their online presence. Members confirmed that to Mr. St. Pierre's knowledge, all 30 businesses are still in operation.

There was a brief discussion on how the improvements have impacted the small businesses sales. It was noted that there is a pattern, where there is a lull at the beginning of the process to advertise the business via website and social media, then the businesses begin to see an increase in their sales due to marketing. It was noted with the changes being implemented by the businesses and service squad require time to implement and market before major results are realized. It was noted that out of the 30 businesses, 13 are new to developing and maintaining a business website/social media account.

Committee highlighted the $100 marketing credit that is available to the small businesses, which can be utilized to pay for advertising on Facebook and Google searches.  There was a general discussion on the previous funding for the digital main street program and how the program is continuing after funding has run out. It was noted that the Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation and Ontario BIA provided additional funding to extend the program.   

Members noted that the current digital service squad funding ends mid June, however additional funding is anticipated. Members inquired if Mr. St. Pierre expects the funding to be accessed by new businesses or ones that are already established through the programs. It was noted that there are many local businesses currently in the community that did not access funds earlier, which will hopefully apply for funding and assistance during the second intake. Mr. St. Pierre noted that the website is available to the public and also highlights more success stories.

Committee thanked Mr. St. Pierre for the presentation and information.

Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, owners of Wen'dees Eats n Treats Refreshment Vehicle provided Committee with a proposal to place a refreshment vehicle on property owned by Mr. Burchell at the corner of Walker St and Canal St in Cardinal. The MacDonald's outlined their efforts to come into compliance with the zoning and site plan control for the property and suggested options for parking. It was noted that if only 4 parking places were required, then a site plan control agreement would not be required for the property. It was noted that after discussions with staff, an additional 2 parking spaces are necessary to avoid the public from parking on the shoulder of the narrow streets. 

Members inquired about the hydro connection and if the refreshment vehicle will be parked  permanently throughout the year. It was noted that the hydro will be disconnected from the meter at the end of the season and the refreshment vehicle would be removed and stored at a different location during the off season. The MacDonald's suggested to move staff parking to the back of the Cardinal Mall and leave 4 parking spaces on site for the public, which would also avoid the need for a site plan amendment.  There was a brief discussion on the costs associated with a site plan control amendment. It was noted that the grading and drainage plan required in the site plan control is upwards of $3,000. Members suggested that Council may temporarily waive the requirements of the grading and drainage plan for the summer season depending on if issues arise in the coming months. 

Members suggested that, if necessary, the grading and drainage plan condition could be required for the 2022 year. Members noted their concerns of only having 4 public parking spots, due to the lack of available on street parking area near the proposed refreshment vehicle. There was a brief discussion on how the public may provide feedback to the development. It was noted that the meetings are open to the public, currently via zoom, and the site plan control agreement would be included in the public agenda package, where the public may submit feedback.  Members inquired about washroom access and location. It was noted that staff are able to access a washroom at the Cardinal Mall. It was noted that a private agreement may be required between The MacDonald's and Mr. Burchell for access to the washroom in the Mall for staff. It was noted that washroom requirements are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour and local health unit.

Members confirmed that staff will coordinate with the applicants to hopefully have the site plan control agreement in front of Council in May. Members suggested that the applicants may be eligible for assistance through the Cardinal CIP. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Mayor Sayeau
    Seconded by:Councillor Dillabough

    That Committee recommends that Council delay the requirement of a grading and drainage plan during the first year of operations for a site plan control agreement application at Canal Street and Walker Street in Cardinal.


Mayor Sayeau noted that he attended a EOWC meeting to discuss and seek support for the EORN Gig Project. It was noted that EORN is seeking a letter of support from municipalities to provide fiber to homes in Eastern Ontario.

Mr. Modler inquired if staff would be able to assist SERA with Google Maps including the Johnstown dog park. Members suggested that this matter should be handled through SERA.

Mr. Modler inquired about new wayfinding signage for the Johnstown Community area, including the pool and baseball diamond. It was noted that funds have been included in the 2021 budget for the project.

Deputy Mayor Deschamps confirmed that once the updated draft zoning bylaw is ready, it will be published to the Township website, along with the feedback form, and that the public meetings will be advertised after the stay at home orders have been lifted.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Cameron
    Seconded by:Mayor Sayeau

    That Committee does now adjourn at 8:14 p.m.
