Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
Council Chambers, Spencerville Ontario
  • Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Deputy Mayor Stephen Dillabough
  • Councillor Joe Martelle
  • Councillor Waddy Smail
  • Councillor Chris Ward
  • John Hunter (Advisory Member)
  • Karen Roussy (Advisory Member)
  • Sean Nicholson, CAO
  • Rebecca Crich, Clerk
  • Brian Moore, Fire Chief
  • Eric Wemerman, Chief Water/Sewer Operator
  • Chris LeBlanc, Manager of Public Works
  • Candise Newcombe, Deputy Clerk

Mayor Deschamps called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

  • Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:J. Martelle

    That the agenda be approved as presented.

  • J. Martelle declared a conflict on this item. (Home-based business posts signage in Township for the Boneyard. ;)

Councillor Martelle left the table at 6:31 p.m. and did not participate in the discussions. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the following: restrictions to non-local business signage, signage placement and setbacks for sightlines, and implementing a permitting system to regulate large signage. 

There was discussion regarding complaints received in regards to the signage, the limitations of the Township's part-time BLEO and the additional onus added to staff with the implementation of a sign bylaw. 

Additional concerns with the quantity, erection, maintenance, and removal of advertising signage was noted. 

Members noted that while there are some concerns with signage throughout the Township, more pressing issues are at hand and no further direction was provided to staff to pursue the topic. 

Councillor Martelle returned to the table at 6:48 p.m.

Committee was provided with a brief summary of the report and discussed the successful reduction of the 2024 summer meeting schedule, clarified the proposed schedule, and the benefits of the reduced schedule to accommodate staff holidays and Council conferences. 

Further consultation with the incoming Port General Manager regarding the reduced 2025 summer schedule is required. However, pending their approval, the Committee supported the proposal.

  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:J. Martelle

    That Committee recommends that Council reduce the meeting schedule during the summer months to only Regular Council meetings scheduled for July 28 and August 25.


Committee was provided an overview of the report and discussed the following: factors impacting pricing, sole sourcing versus tendering, annual service fees, efficiencies and accessibility of the new software, staff training, mitigation of additional costs, and improved appearance and user experience.

  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee recommends that Council provide pre-budget approval to an upset limit of $40,000.00 plus non-rebated HST and authorize the Clerk to execute an agreement with GHD Digital to complete the migration implementation from i:Create to Govstack and supporting software for the Township website in 2025.


Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the following: ongoing issues with the system, the disposal process, confirmed UV system replaced in 2014 at the sewage plant, the implications of failed inspections, appropriate allocation of the Ontario Community Infrastructure Funding (OCIF), and the impacts of the project to the proposed user-fee increase. 

Members noted the possible increased availability of grant funding for infrastructure with the impending Federal elections.     

  • Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee recommend that Municipal Council include the estimated $500,000 project into the 2025 budget for the Cardinal Water System and authorize staff to issue tender documents requesting submissions from qualified bidders and return to Council with tender results and final recommendation.


Committee was provided with an overview of the report and discussed the following: system deficiencies, funding more predominantly through reserves, impending capital costs, and the interchangeability of the pumps with the new system. 

  • Moved by:W. Smail
    Seconded by:C. Ward

    That Committee recommends that Municipal Council include the estimated $250,000 project into the 2025 budget for the Spencerville Wastewater system and authorize staff to issue tender documents requesting submissions from qualified bidders and return to Council with tender results and final recommendation.


Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the following: current truck prices, vehicle options, Township vehicles available, zero emission incentives, cost of vehicle repairs to date, the reliability of electric vehicles for on-call use, and the additional costs associated with retrofitting employee residences to accommodate electric on-call vehicles charging.   

Members discussed implementing an electric vehicle into the Township fleet, the flexibility of Council to departmentally shuffle vehicles, and reviewed the need to use a 4x4 truck in the Recreation department to deliver goods to the canteen locations.  

There was consensus to defer the item to the 2026 budget and remain status quo for 2025. 

  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:S. Dillabough

    That Committee recommend that Municipal Council approve Option 3 to remain status quo for 2025 and defer the vehicle purchase to the 2026 budget discussions. 


Committee was provided with a detailed overview of the report and discussed interest from the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville in updating the aging infrastructure in the area, and the cost of running fibre optic lines.

Members requested a detailed cost breakdown of the project to better gauge the direct impact to the ratepayer to complete the proposed capital projects.   

It was noted that the recommendation for adopting the budget would be removed due to the elimination of the 4x4 truck purchase. Staff will return to the December 9 Council meeting with updated budget figures. Additionally, the $58,000.00 contract fee was noted to be missing in the Cardinal sanitary sewer budget. A handout with updated fees was circulated and is held on file. 

Committee was provided with an overview of the report and discussed the following: the increase in revenues under the Industrial Park water budget, available water capacity for the Industrial Park area, and reallocating funding to draw more heavily from reserves. 

A proposed 5.8% rate increase to water services; and a proposed 3.8% rate increase to sanitary services was noted. Members discussed the estimated revenue anticipated for reserves with the proposed increases, the allocation of the 2025 Ontario Community Infrastructure Funding (OCIF), and maintaining reserves to cover future costs associated with updating the 1989 Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for the Spencerville Lagoon. 

Committee requested a breakdown of the estimated revenues realized following the implementation of the user rate increases, current departmental reserve balances, and re-allocating the majority of the costs to reserves with the remaining $100,000.00 covered by OCIF for the UV replacements at the Cardinal water treatment plant.  

Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the following: impending emissions and engine regulation updates, average useful life of the asset, estimated costs, the importance of the availability of contemporary emergency response equipment, and the ability to issue an RFQ congruently with exploring the Canoe procurement process. 

  • Moved by:J. Martelle
    Seconded by:C. Ward

    That Committee recommend that Council direct staff to investigate pumper 1 replacement options and return with a recommendation.


Deputy Mayor Dillabough inquired about contacting the UCLG regarding speed reduction along County Road 44 in the Crystal Rock area and the installation of an accessible parking spot on Bennet St. in front of the presbyterian church in Spencerville. 

The Mayor requested staff to prepare a Township fleet evaluation report to review options for implementing a strategy for gradual fleet electrification.

Member's reported on the following:

  • Councillor Ward thanked the Clerk for aiding in food donation collections at the SpencerWhoville event, noting an excellent public turn-out. 
  • Deputy Mayor Dillabough commended the Spencerville Legion on the successful hosting of their breakfast with Santa event. 



  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:J. Martelle

    That Committee does now adjourn at 8:44 p.m.
