Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
Council Chambers, Spencerville Ontario
  • Councillor Hugh Cameron
  • Mayor Pat Sayeau
  • Deputy Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Councillor Stephen Dillabough
  • Councillor John Hunter
  • John Bush, Advisory Member
  • Mark Packwood, Advisory Member
  • Dave Grant, CAO
  • Rebecca Williams, Deputy Clerk
  • Mike Spencer, Manager of Parks, Recreation & Facilities
  • Gord Shaw, Environmental Services
  • Brian Moore, Fire Chief

Councillor Cameron called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:M. Packwood
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Deschamps

    That the agenda be approved as presented.


Members asked for a status update with respect to the Industrial Park water and sewer budgets.  It was noted that staff has requested the final budget numbers from the Town of Prescott.  Members confirmed that the item will be added to the advanced agenda preparation document to monitor. 

Committee reviewed the report and discussed in detail the number of "assistance not required" and "cancelled on route" calls for the 4th quarter. Members discussed how the call for assistance is received and managed through the dispatch system, specifically with respect to the need for dispatchers to receive more specialize training in order to help mitigate firefighters being dispatched for a call and then being cancelled. It was noted that on a regular call for assistance, at least 2 fire vehicles and a number of volunteer firefighters are sent.

Members inquired if the Fire Department has a mechanism to address the issue with respect to responding to calls and then being informed that they were cancelled on route or that their assistance was no longer required.  It was noted that due to liability concerns, the Fire Department always responds to the dispatch request. 

Committee reviewed the report and noted that MTO has only paid for approximately 25% of the calls, and the Fire Department has collected approximately 48% of the total billing for 2019. Members confirmed that the concern with respect to MTO only remitting a portion of costs to the overall services invoiced has been raised at the Fire Chief's meeting and through the association.  It was noted that Fire Chief's across the province are encountering similar issues and that the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs will be focusing on MTO payment concerns throughout 2020. Members debated if the Township should seek other municipal Fire Chiefs to partner in a joint AMO delegation.  

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the follow matters: mechanism to raise funds, cost of admission for rodeo and dance, potential revenue from advertisement sales, allocation of facility rental costs, history of the circuit rodeo in Spencerville, types of competitions taking place at the rodeo, services provided by the Firefighters Association for the event, level of public interest, and liability concerns.  Members confirmed that the Township has not been approached to provide in-kind support for garbage removal.

Committee reviewed the report and inquired about what was wrong with the Spencerville zamboni.  It was noted that the Township had to replace the front axle on the zamboni.  Committee extended their appreciation to the Town of Prescott for their assistance in allowing the Township to utilize Prescott's equipment.

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the reduction in ice hours rented from October to December 2019 and how it resulted in $8,000 less revenue for the Cardinal arena and $6,500 less revenue for the Spencerville arena. It was noted that the reduction is a result of the South Grenville Minor Hockey (SGMH) league and recreational league reducing the amount of ice hours rented per week. Members commented on the overall prime time usage rate being at 90% and teams within the SGMH league shuffle locations to utilize available ice time. 

Members noted a discrepancy in the December ice rental chart, specifically with respect to the 2019 percentages for total use. Members noted that the public can pay $10 to use the ice for one hour when the ice is vacant.  

Committee reviewed the report and noted their support of the initiative. 

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the locations and options available with respect to purchasing the transfer station punch cards.  There was a general discussion with respect the average month flow at the Cardinal WWTP, specifically regarding how the flows increase during certain months as a result of melting snow and precipitation.  Members suggested that the report may indicate that there is  additional infiltration into the system that is not being addressed.  It was noted that the infiltration may be seeping into the system from a number of different sources, including the pipes and flow stations. It was noted that certain pumping stations have higher flows throughout the year due to their location within the village. 

Committee reviewed the report and acknowledged the efforts of the Environmental Services department that works to ensure the systems are in compliance with the regulations. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:M. Packwood
    Seconded by:Mayor Sayeau

    That Committee recommend that Council:

    1. Receives the 2019 annual water reports for CWS and EDS; and
    2. Direct staff to post the annual water reports to the Township website; and
    3. Direct staff to notify users via social media and the local newspaper of the report availability. 

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the licence classification level requirements for employees to operate the Cardinal WPCP system. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:M. Packwood
    Seconded by:Councillor Dillabough

    That Committee recommends that Council:

    1. Receive the 2019 annual report for the Cardinal water pollution control plant; and
    2. Direct staff to submit the report to MECP prior to the March 31 deadline.

Committee reviewed the report and acknowledge the efforts of the Environmental Services department.

Committee reviewed the discussed the draft blue box resolution, specifically with respect to Council's proposed transition date, rationale for the selected transition date of February 2022, and if the Township is interested in continuing to provide services, such as contract administration and collection.

There was a general discussion with respect to the Township possibly providing in-house collection services and the revenue it may generate. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Hunter
    Seconded by:J. Bush

    That Committee recommends that Council including the following rationale in the Council resolution:

    1. Council consider a transition date of January 2022.
    2. Rationale for this start date is due to the contract between the Township and Waste Connections expiring in February 2022.
    3. Council may have an interest in providing services such as contract administration and management and in-house collection services.
    4. That the Director of Operations assumes the role of key contact.

Committee reviewed the report and discussed how the card-lock system will integrate and produce usable data for Citywide. There was a brief discussion with respect to the Township's current fuel management tracking system and if a 1 to 2 step process to take the information from the card-lock system and input into Citywide would be efficient.  

Committee discussed the options of purchasing and leasing the Cube card-lock system from Ultramar, specifically with respect to possible cost savings, ownership of the system, integration with other Township software, and if the system would be transferable if the Township were to ever change fuel suppliers.  Members inquired if the cards would be delegated to each employee or assigned to each piece of equipment.  It was noted that in order to accurately track the fuel intact of each piece of equipment, that the card would be assigned to the vehicle. 

Committee discussed the idea of reaching out to other users of the Cube card-lock system, as well as surrounding municipalities that have a fuel management system already in place.  Committee asked for clarification with respect to if it is necessary to have fuel tanks at both the Cardinal and Pittston garage. It was noted that both locations should continue to have fuel tanks due to the snow plow schedule and routes, specifically in regards to allowing vehicles to fuel up in Cardinal rather than driving back and forth to Pittston during special weather events.  Members noted that the Fire Department vehicles in Cardinal would likely utilize the fuel tanks at the Cardinal garage. There was consensus from Committee to request staff to contact other users of the Cube card-lock system, as well as surrounding municipalities to gather more details with respect to their fuel management systems. It was noted that a report will be prepared for the March meeting.

Councillor Dillabough noted that the Canada flags in Johnstown need to be replaced. It was noted that staff is aware if the issue, and that the flags are replaced 3-4 times per year.

The following questions/comments were raised:

  • Fuel management integration 
  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Hunter
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Deschamps

    That Committee of the Whole proceeds into closed session at 8:05 p.m. in order to address a matter pertaining to:

    • Proposed of pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; Specifically: Industrial Land and Closed Session Minutes of January 15, 2020
    • Labour relations or employee negotiations; Specifically: Public Works Position Classification

Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; Specifically: Industrial Land and Closed Session Minutes of January 15, 2020

Labour relations or employee negotiations; Specifically: Public Works Position Classification

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Hunter
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Deschamps

    That the closed meeting does now adjourn and the open meeting of Committee of the Whole does now resume at 8:51 p.m.


Councillor Cameron noted that Committee reviewed the minutes of January 15 and provided directions to staff with respect to the Public Works position classification.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Dillabough
    Seconded by:Mayor Sayeau

    That Committee of the Whole approves the minutes of the closed session dated January 15, 2020.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Deschamps
    Seconded by:Councillor Hunter

    That Committee does now adjourn at 8:52 p.m.
