Council Chambers and by Zoom
18 Centre Street, Spencerville ON
Contact the Township Office to Register
  • Mayor Sayeau
  • Deputy Mayor Deschamps
  • Councillor Cameron
  • Councillor Dillabough
  • Councillor Hunter
  • Pete Rainville, Advisory Member
  • Dave Robertson, Advisory Member
  • Dave Grant, CAO
  • Rebecca Williams, Clerk
  • Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer
  • Gord Shaw, Director of Operations
  • Candise Newcombe, Deputy Clerk

Mayor Sayeau called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

The Mayor announced Mr. Dave Robertson's resignation from the Committee recognizing his service and thanking Mr. Robertson and Mr. Bradley for their service as Committee Advisory Members. Staff were directed to produce letters of thanks to Mr. Robertson and Mr. Bradley recognizing their service to the Township.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    That the agenda be approved as presented.


Members inquired about the progress made with the FoodCycle Science program. It was noted that the agreement was signed and the units will be ordered in the near future with a goal of launching the program in the spring. The intention to compile a list of individuals within the Township that would be interested in participating in the program was noted to better coordinate the number of units ordered. Members noted the need to delegate a staff member as a point of contact for the program. The intent to coordinate the program process by the end of the week was noted. 

Committee inquired if the speed device proposed to be installed on Sophia St. had been placed. It was noted that it had not been placed as of yet, though it was on a list of items to be completed. Members inquired of the number of Township speed devices that had been stolen to date and if there was a more secure way of installing the devices. It was noted that two speed devices had been stolen previously and noted staff's efforts to establish a more secure installation process to deter future thefts. 

Members inquired about developments from previous discussions regarding the possible future installation of street lights on Queen St. noting their interest in including the project in future 2022 budget discussions. 

Committee inquired about progress made with the suggestion of accommodating flag down boarding on the River Route bus service. It was noted that staff was working on possible solutions. 

Committee had a general discussion on the power supply source for the speed devices, possible reasons for the thefts and options for locating the missing devices. It was noted that all the devices are equipped with a GPS tracker, however, for the device to be tracked it must be active. 

Committee members noted their concerns with two of the recommendations made in the Housing Affordability Task Force (HATF) Report which were the creation of an Attainable Housing Action Group and the formulation of an Attainable Housing Coordinator position. Members discussed options for expressing the Township's concerns with the report. 

Committee sought clarification on wording within the report that indicated the County's intent to procure lands through public market and "other" means, inquiring if expropriation was an option being entertained by the Counties in this venture.  

Members noted the outlined expectations of the Counties for municipalities to provide suitable lands for affordable rental housing at less than market value. Members noted the agreement made with the Municipality of North Grenville to renovate a vacant building over the next two years into nine units at $1.3 million in renovation costs. With the intent to lease the building to the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville for future housing needs. Committee noted the possibility of identifying a building within the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal to perform a similar contribution.

Committee discussed the various County Affordable Housing financing programs offered to home owners and landlords and noted concerns that these incentives may not address the affordable housing issue. Members inquired what preventative measures were being taken to ensure the appropriate use of this program and prevent a bed and breakfast issue from arising. It was noted that the UCLG program consists of specific eligibility conditions and a review process.

Members raised concerns about the Township's ability to accommodate affordable rental housing noting the lack of public transit services to allow for basic errands such as groceries or doctor's appointments. Members noted vehicle procurement loans offered by the UCLG to promote increased household incomes, noting a high success rate with the program. 

Committee discussed the appropriateness of the province and the UCLG downloading additional tasks to the local level noting the increased administrative work, costs associated with the hiring of a new position and the creation of an additional UCLG action group. 

There was a brief discussion about the effectiveness of reducing red tape for contractors to entice contractors to create new affordable development. The Meadowlands North and Lockmaster's Meadow subdivisions were provided as examples, noting the Township's and developers resolve to incorporate affordable housing into the proposed developments. Members noted that a thorough review of the Landlord-Tennant Act could assist in addressing aspects of the affordable rental housing issue. 

Members noted the availability of suitable vacant buildings in the area, however, noted the obstacle of delivering water and sewer servicing to the property or identifying a property with pre-existing servicing. Committee briefly discussed options of the Township delivering services on the condition of repayment. 

Committee requested staff to draft a response letter to the UCLG capturing Committee's two main concerns with the Affordable Housing Task Force Report recommendations. It was noted that a response letter would be brought forward at the Public Works, Environmental Services and Facilities meeting later this month. 

Members noted their intention of bringing this item forward to provide an alternative option of attending Committee/Council meetings in person due to the increasing COVID numbers, general safety and well-being of Committee members and the public. It was noted that while Members recognize the significance of maintaining Council discussion in the Council Chambers, however, the current pandemic conditions may prevent this from happening safely. Members noted that as leaders, they have a responsibility to provide safe alternatives for Committee members to participate in discussions and be counted towards quorum. It was noted that the previous procedural bylaw amendment allowing electronic participation expired in July 2021. 

Committee noted that in addition to the ongoing pandemic, many outstanding situations could inhibit attendance, such as health conditions or inclement weather. Members noted their interest in implementing electronic participation on a go-forward basis with stipulations outlined within the bylaw to prevent misappropriation. It was noted that the bylaw contained a clause outlining permitted circumstances for the use of electronic participation. 

Committee suggested a 6 month period allowing electronic participation ending July 31, 2022 to be implemented at the January meeting of Council. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:S. Dillabough

    That Committee recommends that Council amend the procedural by-law to permit electronic participation for a 6-month period to end July 31, 2022 unless extended by resolution of Municipal Council.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    That Committee recommend that Council authorizes the Mayor to sign the drafted response letter to the auditors as a requirement of the annual audit.


Committee was given a brief summary of the report noting the necessity of additional clarity required to the vaccination and testing requirements in the Township vaccination policy which was passed at the end of September 2021.

Committee discussed two areas requiring clarification in the current Township vaccine policy; the responsibility of costs for testing of vaccinated and unvaccinated employees and the Township's stance on employee vaccine status. Committee debated if the Township should mandate full vaccination status in the Township and if the Township would cover the costs for testing of vaccinated and/or unvaccinated employees. Committee briefly discussed an appropriate deadline to accommodate time for individuals to receive two doses of the vaccine. Members determined a minimum of eight weeks would be required to obtain two doses imposing March 31, 2022 as the Township vaccination deadline.

There was majority consensus of Committee to mandate full vaccination status for Township employees by March 31, 2022. It was confirmed that the Township would cover the cost of testing for all individuals for the interim period until the determined deadline. Majority of Committee reached consensus to impose the cost of testing on unvaccinated individuals following this deadline if the individual has no intentions to receive a vaccination. Members inquired if the repercussions would include placing the individual on leave without pay unless they are willing to cover the cost of testing. It was noted that the policy outlines the repercussions clearly.

Members noted their concern of suspending the individual's right to work based on vaccination status and encouraged Committee to follow local Health Unit testing guidelines, which currently does not require daily testing and relieves some of the cost. There was a general discussion on how the Port of Johnstown is currently addressing unvaccinated employees and testing policies. It was noted that a revised copy will be available for further review at the Public Works, Environmental Services and Facilities meeting later this month.

Mayor Sayeau reported the following:

  • Council approved the purchase of Port property on County Road 2 in Johnstown.
  • Letter received from the President of the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators recognizing Mr. Grant's leadership during the pandemic.  



  • Decision:



  • Decision:
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    That Committee does now adjourn at 8:28 p.m.
