South Edwardsburgh Community Centre
24 Sutton Dr.
Johnstown Ontario
  • Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Councillor Joe Martelle
  • Councillor Waddy Smail
  • Councillor Chris Ward
  • Deputy Mayor Stephen Dillabough
  • John Hunter (Advisory Member)
  • Karen Roussy (Advisory Member)
  • Dave Grant, CAO
  • Rebecca Crich, Clerk
  • Sean Nicholson, Treasurer
  • Gord Shaw, Director of Operations
  • Mike Spencer, Manager of Parks, Recreation & Facilities
  • Eric Wemerman, Chief Water/Sewer Operator
  • Chris LeBlanc, Manager of Public Works
  • Candise Newcombe, Deputy Clerk
  • Wendy Van Keulen, Community Development Coordinator

Mayor Deschamps called the meeting to order at 6:31pm.

  • Moved by:J. Martelle
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That the agenda be approved as presented.


Mr. Purcell outlined the request for written Council support for the development of a 4 season recreational pad area located on the Spencerville Fair Board property across from the Spencerville arena. He noted that the proposed recreational pad area would include a concrete base for an outdoor rink in the winter and additionally accommodate summer season activities. 

Mr. Purcell noted the intent of the Optimist Club to apply for the Ontario Trillium Foundation capital grant available from the province for the development/improvement of community spaces and facilities. It was noted that the intent was to develop a similar facility to that of the Township of Augusta. 

There was discussion regarding the proposed size of the recreational pad, proposed off-season activities, future expansion potentials, logistics of the proposed layout options, fundraising efforts to date, estimated cost of the project, ownership and liability, and operation and maintenance responsibilities.

Members noted their support of the proposed project. 

Committee thanked Mr. Purcell for his presentation.     

Mr. Sudan provided an overview of the proposal and noted the intent to install 2-4 EV charging stations at noted locations within the Township at no cost to the Township. He noted the request for municipal support through the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to assist their Ministry of Transportation application for grant funding through the EV ChargeON program. 

Mr. Sudan outlined how the line station technology works, the added benefits of the battery backup system, and charging times and power drawing options for the proposed stations. He noted that should the power be drawn from a municipal facility, the benefit is that the additional unused power produced can be fed back into the facility in the case of a power outage. 

Mr. Sudan noted that Jule Power manufactures all of its products in Ontario, employs 60-80 people and is a Canadian owned company.  

There was discussion regarding the following areas: the ability for additional stations to be installed in the Township in the future, additional revenue benefits to the Township, minimum length of 5-10 year contract, insurance/liability implications to the Township, responsible parties for installation and maintenance of stations, municipalities contacted, cost and time to charge vehicles, and outlined the January 31, 2024 deadline for grant application submissions. 

Committee thanked Mr. Sudan for his presentation. 

Committee was provided with a brief summary of the report and discussed the benefits of a user pay system, proposed duration of the passes, resident versus non-resident fees, average traffic at the boat launch, and digital pay system options. A QR code was proposed to assist in the registration process, and oversight and data tracking for the proposed boat launch fee implementation. Concerns that users would choose to launch elsewhere should a fee be implemented were noted, highlighting that many surrounding municipalities do not charge for use of their boat launch, however, it was noted that there was a charge for parking in the locations. The benefits of purchasing annual versus daily passes was discussed, as well as providing options to purchase the pass at the Township Office during office hours to accommodate individuals that may not have access or choose not to use an electronic device. Members noted general support of the use of a QR code for registration, suggesting an extensive media campaign to promote the impending pay for use including  Township social media, website, tax inserts and municipal signage.

The issue of boaters mooring along the Galop Canal was noted and members suggested incorporating enforcement of a flat fee for use in that area. Members suggested tracking the use of the dive site as well through the use of the QR code system. It was noted that the data provided from the registration would have many benefits to the Township, including information for the number of users that use the area for applications to future grant funding.

Members noted the need for oversight of revenue versus expenses of the fee implementation, highlighting the additional enforcement required by the Township's Bylaw department to oversee the proposed project. There was discussion regarding the fine enforcement process, limitations to enforcing fines issued to visitors from out of province, implementing a flat-rate fee for mooring, and outlining the allowable mooring duration. 

There was a general discussion regarding the recommended amount for the proposed registration for use and there was general support for waiving the fee for use to residents of the Township. Committee reached a general consensus for an implementation of a $25.00 for non-residents when launching a boat. Members noted their interest in having divers register their visits, however, excluding them from the fee requirement at this time. 

Committee requested staff to return with options for incorporating a QR code registration and fee for use for the Cardinal boat launch, Conestoga dive site location and the mooring at the Galop Canal. Members suggested additional time for public education on the impending fee for use by placing education information and signage on the proposed QR code and registration without the implementation of a fee. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the report and clarified that there were no concerns with the proposed Official Plan amendment to reduce the minimum lot size to 0.4 ha, provided it is accompanied by an implementation policy that outlines the requirements for a hydrogeological and terrain analysis study to demonstrate compliance with provincial policy. 

The average timeline for approval of the Official Plan (OP) and Zoning Bylaw (ZB) amendments was discussed. There was a brief discussion held on if an implementation policy is required and the Committee’s interest of seeking a second opinion. Committee requested that staff proceed with the peer review process of the implementation policy for the OP with legal and planning advisors.

Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the minimum distance separation requirement and lot size. 

  • Moved by:J. Martelle
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee recommend that Council recommend in favour of severance application B-134-23.


Committee was provided with a detailed summary of the report and discussed implications to employee hours, added efficiencies, and the appropriateness of the use of the Township's Modernization funding to finance the project. It was noted that the software and implementation costs were able to be covered by the Modernization funding, however, ongoing annual maintenance costs  would be incorporated into the departmental operating costs. 

Committee requested staff to update the resolution to Council to support the PSD Budget Software, with purchase and implementation fees being covered by the Modernization Funding. 

  • Moved by:W. Smail
    Seconded by:C. Ward

    That Committee recommend to Council that the Treasurer enter an agreement with Public Sector Digest to purchase the Operating, Salary and Capital budgeting software for use in 2024 at a cost of $69,100 plus future annual maintenance costs of $9,700.


Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the COLA approval process, varying ways COLA can be determined, bylaw 2015-22 implications for union and non-union employees, OMERS CPI rate of 4.93% and maintaining equality between union and non-union employees of the Township.

  • Moved by:J. Martelle
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee recommend that Council approve the 2024 COLA increase of 4.93% for all union and non-union staff, effective January 1, 2024.


Committee was provided with a detailed summary of the report and commended the Township staff on the guidance, support and patience with the members of Council over the first year of the term. Members highlighted the extensive list of work accomplished within the Township and recognized the ongoing team work required between members of staff and Council. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed reviewing neighbouring municipal land acknowledgements and the message by Jesse Wente, presenter at the ROMA conference of being respectful in pronunciation of the aboriginal names mentioned in the land acknowledgements.

Members suggested deferring the item to allow additional consultation with the indigenous community and ensure respectful incorporation of a land acknowledgement statement for the Township.  

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the requirement of a land survey of the road allowance prior to finalizing the conveyance. 

  • Moved by:J. Martelle
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee recommends that Council direct staff to prepare a bylaw to authorize the transfer of the closed road described in Bylaw 84-20 to the property owner of 95 Froom Road.


Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed the need for a risk management plan to monitor stone stability moving forward, required signage and ongoing maintenance of the area. 

Members inquired about clean-up efforts near the Cardinal sign, tree clean-up efforts along the waterfront, and an approximate timeline for risk management plan to be completed by South Nation Conservation and Kollaard Associates Inc. 

Committee was provided with a summary of the report and discussed resident concerns with possible renovation costs of their home following installation, and possible increases to their water bill. It was noted that the Environmental Services Department would be covering the costs of installation of the meters and returning properties back to existing condition. 

Members noted the levy implemented by the previous Council term to ensure fair contribution to the maintenance of the system, noting that if individuals wish to be connected to the system, they need to fairly contribute to the cost of maintaining it. 

  • Moved by:C. Ward
    Seconded by:W. Smail

    That Committee recommends that Council direct staff to:

    1. Transfer properties who actively refused to participate in inspections to Category B rates until such time as they permit an inspection. Once inspected, either transfer back to Category A rates or install a water meter (depending on findings); and
    2. Properties that require excessive renovations or relocation of plumbing remain on Category A Rates; and
    3. Install water meters at locations deemed not to be too expensive or difficult to install and fund this under the Cardinal Water System.

Councillor Martelle noted his attendance at the evening market located on the corner of Jordan/Rooney Rd. 

Mayor Deschamps reported the following:

  • Thanked Township staff for all their hard work throughout the year, noting that while there may be difficult questions to answer, staff and Council remain on the same team. 
  • Thanked members of Committees for their commitment and hard work. 
  • Attended meeting at HFI Pyrotechnics with the Township CAO, Community Development Coordinator, and CBO to discuss future plans and continued commitments to the Township.



  • Moved by:W. Smail
    Seconded by:J. Martelle

    That Committee does now adjourn at 9:41 p.m.
