Committee was provided with a brief summary of the report and discussed the benefits of a user pay system, proposed duration of the passes, resident versus non-resident fees, average traffic at the boat launch, and digital pay system options. A QR code was proposed to assist in the registration process, and oversight and data tracking for the proposed boat launch fee implementation. Concerns that users would choose to launch elsewhere should a fee be implemented were noted, highlighting that many surrounding municipalities do not charge for use of their boat launch, however, it was noted that there was a charge for parking in the locations. The benefits of purchasing annual versus daily passes was discussed, as well as providing options to purchase the pass at the Township Office during office hours to accommodate individuals that may not have access or choose not to use an electronic device. Members noted general support of the use of a QR code for registration, suggesting an extensive media campaign to promote the impending pay for use including Township social media, website, tax inserts and municipal signage.
The issue of boaters mooring along the Galop Canal was noted and members suggested incorporating enforcement of a flat fee for use in that area. Members suggested tracking the use of the dive site as well through the use of the QR code system. It was noted that the data provided from the registration would have many benefits to the Township, including information for the number of users that use the area for applications to future grant funding.
Members noted the need for oversight of revenue versus expenses of the fee implementation, highlighting the additional enforcement required by the Township's Bylaw department to oversee the proposed project. There was discussion regarding the fine enforcement process, limitations to enforcing fines issued to visitors from out of province, implementing a flat-rate fee for mooring, and outlining the allowable mooring duration.
There was a general discussion regarding the recommended amount for the proposed registration for use and there was general support for waiving the fee for use to residents of the Township. Committee reached a general consensus for an implementation of a $25.00 for non-residents when launching a boat. Members noted their interest in having divers register their visits, however, excluding them from the fee requirement at this time.
Committee requested staff to return with options for incorporating a QR code registration and fee for use for the Cardinal boat launch, Conestoga dive site location and the mooring at the Galop Canal. Members suggested additional time for public education on the impending fee for use by placing education information and signage on the proposed QR code and registration without the implementation of a fee.