Corporation of The Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal
Council Chambers, Spencerville Ontario
  • Mayor Sayeau
  • Deputy Mayor Deschamps
  • Councillor Cameron
  • Councillor Dillabough
  • Councillor Hunter
  • Mr. Jack Bradley
  • Dave Robertson, Advisory Member
  • Dave Grant, CAO
  • Debra McKinstry, Clerk
  • Rebecca Williams, Deputy Clerk
  • Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer
  • Gord Shaw, Director of Operations

Mayor Sayeau called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

The retirement of Debra McKinstry, after 27 years of service was recognized.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    That the agenda be approved as presented.


There was a brief discussion with respect to the condition of the old arena dehumidifier.

Committee reviewed the Building report and inquired about the total number of permits issued in 2019 and the location of the four-plex building. Members commented on the steady increase within the commercial and industrial building permits. Members noted that the total number of new residential builds is lower in 2019, however the average cost of new residential builds increased from $214,615 to $279,875.  Committee inquired if the Building department collected enough revenue in 2019 to balance the departmental budget.  It was noted that the Building department will require to withdraw approximately $4,500 from the reserve to balance. 

Committee reviewed the report and confirmed that most of the post-audit entries are included within the report.  It was noted that the entries still need to be finalize for the audit, specifically with respect to water and sewer entries.  Members asked for clarification with respect to the increase in the Port investment.  It was noted that the increase may be affected by the Port's year end surplus. 

Committee discussed the Pittston Rd overage, specifically with respect to if the change order(s) were issued and if the increased amount exceeded the set contingency.   Members noted that Council should be made aware of large change orders during road projects.  Members discussed the capital projects list, specifically with respect to Smith Rd, Cardinal arena lighting and the Cardinal fishing dock. 

There was a brief discussion with respect to staff's efforts in reducing the tax receivables by taking a proactive approach on properties that are in tax arrears. 

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the overall departmental operating expenses, specifically with respect to the Cardinal arena building repairs and maintenance. Members noted that repairs were made to the boiler and other areas within the arena.  It was noted that the additional repairs are as a result of the increased use of the arena.  Members commented on the additional repairs to recreation and public works vehicles and noted that the service delivery review indicated that a fleet and fuel management system is needed. There was consensus from Committee that a report with respect to the Cardinal arena building repairs be prepared for a future meeting.  

Members commented on the Cardinal arena building repairs line item.  It was noted that the item also includes building maintenance such as snow removal and cleaning supplies.  There was consensus from Committee to have the Cardinal arena building repairs line item be further broken down to identify the contributing factors within the building repairs.

Members commented on the amount of repairs done at the Cardinal arena and those needed at the Cardinal pool.  Members suggested that Committee should ensure that the Cardinal pool repairs funding is committed for 2021, specifically with respect to the pool filtration system, to avoid additional issues that may result in a complete replacement of the system. 

Committee debated if the canteen line item should be broken down for each canteen, similar to the building repairs.  Members debated whether or not creating additional inventory stock transfer work for staff would result in any increased efficiencies. It was noted that supplies are transferred from one canteen to another based on available resources required and the time of year.  There was a detailed discussion with respect to if the canteens should be operated as a service to the public and to provide employment to students or operated as a business to make a profit and increase the line item revenue. It was noted that the staff currently have inventory controls in place to avoid stock loss. It was noted that Committee did not reach consensus with respect to having the canteen line item broken down further.

Committee reviewed the report and noted that certain Council Members exceeded their expense budget limits, as per the Council Expense Reimbursement policy. Members suggested that as long as the overall expense line is within budget then it should not matter if certain Council Members exceed their respective limits. There was a general discussion with respect to how items including conferences, mileage and professional development reflect on the remuneration report versus the expense policy. 

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the tax registration process and timeline in detail. There was a general discussion with respect to 3 properties being vesting to the Township as a result of the properties not being sold during tax sales.  It was noted that 1 of the properties, with an approximate value of $50,000 of the $53,000 may be declared surplus to the Township in the near future, following the Township policy with respect to selling surplus land.  It was noted that the Township has been taking a proactive approach over the last 2 years to reduce the tax receivables balance. 

Committee reviewed the report and inquired if any progress has been made with respect to the three municipalities agreeing to a single building permit system software. It was noted that the municipalities are in discussions and may have a report for late spring. Members inquired if the Committee will being receiving a progress update with respect to the fleet and fuel management systems.  It was noted that a report may be included in the February 18 Committee meeting with respect to fuel management system. It was noted that the final service delivery report will be received during the February Council meeting.

Committee reviewed the report and discussion the alternative options, specifically with respect to if the Township should purchase the Munisoft software versus the Citywide Budgeting Suite software. It was noted that the staff recommendation to purchase the Munisoft software is due to the following factors: Munisoft has offered the Township a 25% discount; staff can test and use the Munisoft system for a year; and then if the Munisoft system is no robust enough to address key issues then another report may be brought forward for Committee to consider the purchase of the Citywide system. It was noted that the Citywide system software would allow for multi-year budgeting scenarios. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    That Committee recommends that Council authorizes the purchase of the tax e-notice and Custom Report Library applications from Munisoft at a cost of $1,723.00 plus an annual software support fee of $345 and fund the purchase with modernization funds.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:S. Dillabough

    That Committee recommends that Council:

    1. Authorizes staff to engage Novatech to take the lead in preparing the Township's submission to the Job Site Challenge in accordance with their proposal dated January 31, 2020; and
    2. Directs that the cost of the project be covered from the Industrial Park Land Reserve Fund with an upset limit of $25,000.

Committee reviewed the updated bylaw and confirmed the eligible expenses under section 6 of the bylaw. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    That Committee recommends that Council adopt the revised Schedule A - Council Expense Reimbursement Policy for Bylaw 2019-63, as attached.


Committee reviewed the report and highlighted why an electrical needs study should be prepared, specifically to identify current hydro usages and future hydro needs.  There was a brief discussion with respect to the current Hydro One system and the need for future expansion.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    That Committee recommends that Council authorizes staff to engage Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC) to take the lead in preparing the Industrial Park Electricity Needs Project, with an upset limit of $12,000, and further directs that the cost of the project be covered from the Industrial Park Land Reserve.


Councillor Cameron reminded Council that the Committee of the Whole - Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities will be held on Tuesday February 18 as a result of Family Day on February 17.

Councillor Cameron indicated that he will be providing staff with a sample bylaw to address vacant buildings to be discussed at a future meeting. 

Mayor Sayeau requested that a report be prepared with respect to vehicle repairs and maintenance, including the make/model/age/mileage and total expenses per vehicle.  There was consensus from Committee to have staff prepare the requested report.

Mayor Sayeau reported the following:

  • CREWS/Jones Rail contract to transport military vehicles
  • Preparing Job Site Challenge brochure
  • Aboriginal consultation with respect to Job Site Challenge
  • Natural Gas expansion

The following questions/comments were raised:

  • High speed internet
  • Township of Augusta resolution with respect to arena contribution
  • Decision:



  • Decision:
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    That Committee of the Whole proceeds into closed session at 8:51 p.m. in order to address a matter pertaining to:

    • Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; Specifically: Industrial Land

Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; Specifically: Industrial Land

  • Decision:
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    That the closed meeting does now adjourn and the open meeting of Committee of the Whole does now resume at 9:14 p.m.


Mayor Sayeau noted that Committee discussed a possible purchase and sale offer for Industrial Land and provided direction to staff.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    That Committee does now adjourn at 9:15 p.m.
