Council Chambers and by Zoom
18 Centre Street, Spencerville ON
Contact the Township Office to Register
  • Mayor Pat Sayeau
  • Deputy Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Councillor Hugh Cameron
  • Councillor Stephen Dillabough
  • Councillor John Hunter
  • Dave Grant, CAO
  • Rebecca Williams, Clerk
  • Melanie Stubbs, Treasurer
  • Gord Shaw, Director of Operations
  • Mike Spencer, Manager of Parks, Recreation & Facilities

Mayor Sayeau called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.

  • Decision: 2021-164
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    That Municipal Council approves the agenda as presented.


Mr. Murphy of MNP LLP reviewed with Council the findings of the Auditor's Report and 2020 Consolidated Township Financial Statements ending on December 31, 2020. He noted there were no significant findings to bring to Council's attention at this time and that the Township is in a good financial position, with significant reserves for future expenditures. 

Mr. Robinson and Mr. Franklin of Robinson Consultants presented the preliminary review for the County Rd 2/Newport Dr. Municipal Drain Project. An image of the proposed project site was provided, outlining boundaries as North to the rail corridor, South to Windmill Rd., West to Reilly St. and East to Commerce Dr. as well as the proposed outlet (St. Lawrence River) for drainage. Preliminary environmental impact findings list the American eel as a species at risk. Mr. Franklin explained mitigation of this species may prove difficult due to the ability of the animal to circumvent preventive measures put in place, however, mitigation measures were proposed to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for review. Mr. Franklin noted that they are currently awaiting approval of the South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC), Ontario Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP) and the DFO, which could have an impact on final costs of the project.

Council inquired what the required state of the report had to be before work could begin. Mr. Franklin explained approvals from SNC and DFO are required, notifications of proposed work must be mailed to all affected residents as well as a public meeting held in response, finally a 30 day period for appeal in accordance with the Drainage Act, 1990, all of which needs to be completed before the meeting to consider can be held, which would not likely happen until the fall of 2021. Council inquired about the number of residents directly affected by this project. Mr. Franklin responded that approximately 20 properties within the drainage area would be impacted. Mr. Robinson noted that if the UCLG is aware of the risks, they may be able to begin work earlier on the West Branch. Members noted their concerns about the boundary lines of the Newport Municipal Drain project not including the North corridor. Mr. Franklin explained that the North corridor will benefit from improved drainage with the proposed work on the West corridor, and that they only have information pertaining to the highlighted area of the petition. He further noted that the public would have to submit a subsequent petition to have further work done and that the area in question drains in a different direction, requiring a new Engineer's report to be done in the proposed area as it was not directly outlined in the current petition. 

Mr. Hawley presented the Spencerville Drainage preliminary report on behalf of the Greer Galloway Group. Mr. Hawley was seeking Council input regarding the use of curbs on both sides of the road for a more urban feel. He explained this option would provide long-term drainage without accessing private yards likely until the future need of replacement of the sewage system for installation of a water system in the distant future. Mr. Hawley gave an extremely conservative estimate of $830,000 with a $100,000 contingency fund. He offered the option of using a Biosoil filtration system which is a more natural filtration system and the unopened road allowance allows for this option. He further explained there is a cost savings with the biological filtration system. The road width will be a standard size of 2.75m. Council requested further explanation if there would be curbs and gutters placed on both sides of the road and if the flow of the curbs will remain the same. Mr. Hawley noted that the same elevation outlet that is currently present will remain. He explained there would be a catch basin that will redirect the water and curbs will not need updating until other systems such as sewage/water systems are being evaluated and considered for improvements.

Council requested further explanation on the tangent vs. the super elevated option of curbing outlined. Mr. Hawley explained super elevated was not a good option for the area in question, and would recommend the tangent option. Council inquired about the curb depressions at driveways and possible hindrances on snow storage along the curb in the winter. Mr. Hawley outlined the planned size of the driveway depressions being 0.5m wide and curbs depressed at all existing driveways as well as any future development sites if outlined by the Township. In regards to snow storage, Mr. Hawley pointed out there would be no negative impact compared with the current system, and curb will not sit on the property line so there is an option to move the curbs back even further, but that would incur further costs. Members of Council inquired if sidewalks would be installed. Mr. Hawley noted that it is certainly an option, though he wouldn't recommend it due to the low volume of residences in the area. He gave an estimate of approximately $150/m and further explained this option is ripe with issues such as hydro poles and the significant increase of accessibility required to accommodate such a design.

Council requested further information on the treatment area, did he know the size, placement and road allowance for recreational vehicles. Mr. Hawley described the treatment center as resembling a cat tail filled ditch, placed on the road allowance, however he could not give dimensions for the eventual size of the treatment area as designs have not been completed yet. Mr. Hawley suggested a public meeting be held to obtain feedback from the public regarding ideal placement of the facility and possible ATV road allowances. He further suggests tendering the work in the fall of 2021 in the hopes to start construction in the fall and to be finished in the spring 2022. Mr. Hawley recommends tendering in the fall 2021 to reduce contractor costs by ensuring work for said contractor in the spring. He explains, if a contractor knows they have work for the following year they are more likely to offer a better price.

Members of Council inquired about the outlet of the treatment area. Mr. Hawley explained the outlet would be the South Nation River, and he understood they would require approval from the SNC. He further explained that he has submitted this type of system to the SNC previously and they were receptive. Council further inquired about the heavy flow of water along the road allowance and it would also be redirected to the treatment facility. Mr. Hawley clarified that anything hitting the road allowance will be caught and redirected. Members of Council mentioned there were severed lots south of the road allowance and if they would still be accessible. Mr. Hawley responded that if Council outlines the severed lots prior, access can be left for the Township.

  • Decision: 2021-165
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of the Regular Meeting dated April 26, 2021.

  • Decision: 2021-166
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of the Special Meeting dated May 10, 2021.

  • Decision: 2021-167
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:S. Dillabough

    THAT Municipal Council receives the minutes of the Public Library Board Meeting dated March 23, 2021.

  • Decision: 2021-168
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council receives the minutes of the Port Management Committee Meeting dated April 21, 2021.

  • Decision: 2021-169
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of the Committee of the Whole – Community Development Meeting dated May 3, 2021.

  • Decision: 2021-170
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of the Committee of the Whole – Administration & Finance Meeting dated May 10, 2021.


Council inquired about the Greenfield project and the possible impact it would have on the pumping station. Staff noted that they expect to receive information from Greenfield shortly and that a report would be provided to Council.

  • Decision: 2021-171
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:S. Dillabough

    THAT Municipal Council receives and approves the minutes of the Committee of the Whole – Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities dated May 17, 2021.

  • Decision: 2021-172
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:S. Dillabough

    THAT Municipal Council recommend in favour of severances B-53-21 and B-54-21 (Millar Rd – Vandine), as recommended by the Committee of the Whole – Community Development.

  • Decision: 2021-173
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    WHEREAS access to high-speed internet throughout the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal is a high priority for Municipal Council; and

    WHEREAS the demand for high-speed internet services will continue to grow year after year; and

    WHEREAS as an underserved rural community, the lack of high-speed internet access has prevented residents from taking advantage of the many opportunities afforded by the digital era; and

    WHEREAS making high-speed internet available within the Township, would allow households, businesses and community organizations and institutions to keep pace with changing technology and to fully participate in the digital economy; and

    WHEREAS the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) has submitted a comprehensive regional project to deliver a Gig (up to 1,000 Mbps) of speed that will serve our residents and businesses long into the future; and

    WHEREAS EORN’s approach has proven itself very successful and represents an efficient and effective way to solve our internet needs; and

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal endorses and supports EORN’s Gig Project and requests both the Federal and Provincial Government to immediately financially support EORN’s Gig Project.

    AND FURTHER THAT the Mayor be authorized to finalize and submit the letter of support for EORN’s Gig Project.

    AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to EORN, AMO, Premier Ford, Prime Minister Trudeau, Honourable Monsef, Honourable Scott, Honourable Clark, and MP Barrett.

  • Decision: 2021-174
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council approve the proposed 2020 surplus allocation of $113,900.24 and direct the Treasurer to transfer $35,000.00 to the Tax Write Off reserve and $78,900.24 to the Winter Control  reserve and further direct the Treasurer to transfer $47,195.72 into the Spencerville Wastewater Reserve as per audit review and as recommended by Committee of the Whole – Administration & Finance.

  • Decision: 2021-175
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council adopt the 2021 PSAB Budget Addendum report which meets the requirements of Regulation 284/09, as recommended by Committee of the Whole – Administration & Finance.

  • Decision: 2021-176
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council approve the purchase of a replacement telephone system from Southeastern Telecommunication Services in the amount of $10,674.00 plus non-rebated HST and fund this purchase with modernization funding, as recommended by Committee of the Whole – Administration & Finance.

  • Decision: 2021-177
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council receive and review the 2021 Spencerville Lagoon Discharge Report and direct staff to submit the report to MECP prior to the June 30, 2021 deadline, as recommended by Committee of the Whole – Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities.

  • Decision: 2021-178
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council review the agreement and authorize the Director of Operations to enter into the agreement with J.F. Dobbie and Sons Ltd., as recommended by Committee of the Whole – Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities.

  • Decision: 2021-179
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council extend the hours at the Cardinal waterfront canteen on Wednesday to Friday to 11:30a.m-7:30p.m in 2021, as recommended by the Committee of the Whole – Public Works, Environmental Services & Facilities.

  • Decision: 2021-180
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council receives the 2020 Audit Findings Report and approves the 2020 Financial Statements for the Port of Johnstown, as recommended by the Port Management Committee.


Council recognized the work of the Township Treasurer on maintaining solid financial ground for the Township and thanked her for her hard work. 

  • Decision: 2021-181
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    WHEREAS the Mayor and Deputy Mayor met on May 25, 2021 with MNP LLP, external auditors for the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal and Port of Johnstown; and

    WHEREAS Ian Murphy from MNP LLP reviewed the Management Representation/Responsibility Letter, the Auditor Independent Letter, the Audit Findings Report, the Management Letter, the Draft Audit Opinion, and the 2020 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements for the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, for the year ending on December 31, 2020.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Municipal Council receives the 2020 Audit Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, as provided by MNP LLP.

  • Decision: 2021-182
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    WHEREAS the Audit Findings Report, the Management Letter, the Draft Township Financial Statements, the Management Representation/Responsibility Letter, the Auditor Independent Letter, and the Draft Audit Opinion were previously circulated to Municipal Council on May 17, 2021 in advance of the Regular Council meeting for additional review.

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Municipal Council receives the Audit Findings Report and Management Letter and approves 2020 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements for the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    WHEREAS the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal currently utilizes the ward system to elect the 3 Ward Councillors, with an at-large system to elect the Mayor and Deputy Mayor; and

    WHEREAS the current ward system reflects historical pre-amalgamation boundary division, which will continue to divide and cause issues of integration and development of the Township as one single community; and

    WHEREAS an at-large system can promote a more unified municipality and allow for better long-term planning; and

    WHEREAS the at-large system gives electors a greater choice in candidates and more flexibility in elections; and

    WHEREAS Section 222 of the Municipal Act, 2001, allows a municipality to pass a bylaw to dissolve the existing ward system; and

    WHEREAS Section 222 of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that the municipality must provide public notice of 15 days after passing a bylaw to dissolve the municipal ward system and allow a 45 day appeal period; and

    WHEREAS Section 18 of the Municipal Elections Act,1996, provides that the Clerk of the municipality shall inform the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation of the boundaries of the voting subdivisions on or before March 31 in the year of the regular election; and

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal:

    1. Dissolve the ward system for the upcoming 2022 municipal election; and
    2. Direct staff to prepare a bylaw in accordance with the Municipal Act and Municipal Elections Act for the June Regular Council to officially dissolve the ward system; and
    3. Direct staff to complete the necessary public notice requirements and inform the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation that the ward boundaries have been dissolved for the upcoming 2022 election within the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal.

    A Member of Council noted concerns about dissolving the current ward system for the upcoming election and suggested that the motion be deferred to consider placing a question on the 2022 election ballot in order for the public to provide feedback on the ward versus at-large election system.

  • Decision: Verbal
    Moved by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council defer the motion to dissolve the ward system for the 2022 election and place a question on the ballot for the public to provide feedback on the ward versus at-large system.

    Motion failed to receive a seconder. 

    Members outlined their support to dissolve the ward system and highlighted the following reasons: the current ward system maintains the segregation of the public, an at-large system would allow the public to elect each Council Member representative rather than a single Ward Councillor, provides the public with additional Council representation options to discuss matters of concern or importance and vote for the representatives that support their views, the Service Delivery Review report indicated that 4 out of 5 Members of Council at the time of the review supported an at-large system, and that a ward system is not conducive to a single community support concept.

    Members outlined their objections to dissolving the ward system and highlighted the following reasons: believe that an at-large system may further divide the communities, reduce/remove access to local Council Member representation, received calls of concern from members of the public respecting the possibility of losing their ward representative, there is a certain level of trust between the public and their local Ward representative, and concerns with respect to at-large representatives not acting in the best interest of the whole Township.

    There was a brief discussion with respect to Members receiving calls of concern from the public and Members inquired if the Township office had received any calls from the public. It was noted that Councillor Hunter noted his intention to bring forward a motion to dissolve the ward system months prior to the May Council meeting to provide additional time for the public to be aware of the discussion taking place this evening.


  • Decision: 2021-183
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    WHEREAS the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal currently utilizes the ward system to elect the 3 Ward Councillors, with an at-large system to elect the Mayor and Deputy Mayor; and

    WHEREAS the current ward system reflects historical pre-amalgamation boundary division, which will continue to divide and cause issues of integration and development of the Township as one single community; and

    WHEREAS an at-large system can promote a more unified municipality and allow for better long-term planning; and

    WHEREAS the at-large system gives electors a greater choice in candidates and more flexibility in elections; and

    WHEREAS Section 222 of the Municipal Act, 2001, allows a municipality to pass a bylaw to dissolve the existing ward system; and

    WHEREAS Section 222 of the Municipal Act, 2001, provides that the municipality must provide public notice of 15 days after passing a bylaw to dissolve the municipal ward system and allow a 45 day appeal period; and

    WHEREAS Section 18 of the Municipal Elections Act,1996, provides that the Clerk of the municipality shall inform the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation of the boundaries of the voting subdivisions on or before March 31 in the year of the regular election; and

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal:

    1. Dissolve the ward system for the upcoming 2022 municipal election; and
    2. Direct staff to prepare a bylaw in accordance with the Municipal Act and Municipal Elections Act for the June Regular Council to officially dissolve the ward system; and
    3. Direct staff to complete the necessary public notice requirements and inform the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation that the ward boundaries have been dissolved for the upcoming 2022 election within the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal.
    P. SayeauX
    T. DeschampsX
    H. CameronX
    S. DillaboughX
    J. HunterX
    Carried (3 to 2)
  • Decision: 2021-184
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council declare the land legally described as Part 36, Concession 1, Edwardsburgh Ward, Parts 1, 2 & 3, RP 15R9899, Edwardsburgh Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario (Vacant Lot, Reilly Street, New Wexford) as surplus to the needs of the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal and the Port of Johnstown, as recommended by the Port of Johnstown Management Committee.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council offer the surplus land, legally described as Part 36, Concession 1, Edwardsburgh Ward, Parts 1, 2 & 3, RP 15R9899, Edwardsburgh Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario (Vacant Lot, Reilly Street, New Wexford), for sale by public tender as the method of sale and that the Port General Manager and Clerk take the necessary steps to expose the surplus land to the public market place, as recommended by the Port of Johnstown Management Committee.

    Members inquired if Council should set a minimum bid price for the parcel of land. It was noted that there was no direction from the Port Management Committee to set a minimum bid price. It was noted that the Port solicitor will draft the purchase offer which would relieve the Township and Port of all liability and clauses to permit the Township and Port to not be required to accept any bid or even the lowest/highest bid. 

    Members discussed the option of selling the property by public tender versus engaging a real estate agent to help the Township and Port sell the land through additional public advertisement.  

  • Amendment:
    Decision: Verbal
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT Municipal Council amend the original motion to include the additional clause: "AND THAT Municipal Council engage the services of Culligan Realty, Allan Earle agent, to conduct the sale process using our tender bid document.

    P. SayeauX
    T. DeschampsX
    H. CameronX
    S. DillaboughX
    J. HunterX
    Carried (4 to 1)
  • Decision: 2021-185
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council offer the surplus land, legally described as Part 36, Concession 1, Edwardsburgh Ward, Parts 1, 2 & 3, RP 15R9899, Edwardsburgh Cardinal Township, Grenville County, Ontario (Vacant Lot, Reilly Street, New Wexford), for sale by public tender as the method of sale and that the Port General Manager and Clerk take the necessary steps to expose the surplus land to the public market place, as recommended by the Port of Johnstown Management Committee.

    AND THAT Municipal Council engage the services of Culligan Realty, Allan Earle agent, to conduct the sale process using our tender bid document.

  • Decision: 2021-186
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council receives the correspondence listings for the following dates as previously circulated:

    • April 29, 2021
    • May 6, 2021
    • May 13, 2021
    • May 20, 2021

Council reviewed the disbursements and sought clarification on the following items:

  • Clarify Township facility locations receiving Superior propane
  • Clean yards violation requiring property clean up efforts
  • Rush truck centre repairs on Township vehicles

Members of Council requested that staff prepare a report for discussion with respect to using Rush truck centre for the upcoming June Committee of the Whole - Public Works, Environmental Services and Facilities meeting. 

  • Decision: 2021-187
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT Municipal Council approves payment of municipal invoices circulated and dated as follows: 

    • Report dated April 29 (2021-41) $162,028.02
    • Report dated April 29 (2021-42) $136,347.50
    • Report dated May 13 (2021-50) $333,350.00
    • Report dated May 14 (2021-51) $66,833.02
    • Report dated May 17 (2021-52) $151,478.29
    • Report dated May 19 (2021-54) $132,742.44

    TOTAL:        $982,779.27



  • Decision: 2021-188
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT the mover be granted leave to introduce a bylaw to authorize the execution of a site plan control agreement with Kevin Burchell, and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof.

  • Decision: 2021-189
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT a bylaw to authorize the execution of a site plan control agreement with Kevin Burchell, be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2021-26.


Members briefly discussed the appointment process for the Public Library Board and their policies with respect to electronic participation.

  • Decision: 2021-190
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT the mover be granted leave to introduce a bylaw to amend bylaw 2018-78 to appoint members of the Edwardsburgh Cardinal Public Library Board, and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof.

  • Decision: 2021-191
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT a bylaw to amend bylaw 2018-78 to appoint members of the Edwardsburgh Cardinal Public Library Board, be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2021-27.

  • Decision: 2021-192
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT the mover be granted leave to introduce a bylaw to authorize the Mayor, Clerk and Port General Manager to execute a termination agreement of the operating agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Transport, and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof.

  • Decision: 2021-193
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT a bylaw to authorize the Mayor, Clerk and Port General Manager to execute a termination agreement of the operating agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2021-28.

  • Decision: 2021-194
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT the mover be granted leave to introduce a bylaw to authorize the Mayor, Clerk and Port General Manager to execute the assignment of lease agreement for the Port of Johnstown with Windsor Salt Ltd. And K+S Windsor Salt Ltd., and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof.

  • Decision: 2021-195
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT a bylaw to authorize the Mayor, Clerk and Port General Manager to execute the assignment of lease agreement for the Port of Johnstown with Windsor Salt Ltd. And K+S Windsor Salt Ltd., be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2021-29.

  • Decision: 2021-196
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT the mover be granted leave to introduce a bylaw to appoint a Deputy Clerk (Candise Newcombe) for the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, and this shall constitute first and second reading thereof.

  • Decision: 2021-197
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT a bylaw to appoint a Deputy Clerk (Candise Newcombe) for the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, be now read a third time and finally passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2021-30.


Council reviewed the CAO’s administrative update and discussed the following items:

  • Online website payments
  • Spencerville fire station generator parts
  • Bylaw repository within the new website
  • Swimming lessons at Township pools
  • Lifeguard training and costs to students
  • Garbage pick-up discrepancies and notice to public via social media

Members inquired about adding by-law numbers to individual pages on the website. Staff informed Council Members all by-laws are numbered on the website and directed Council to the search tool option for by-laws, explaining the search bar uses key words to collect corresponding by-laws in the search or simply search by by-law number, it was also noted that all by-law numbers can be clearly seen when by-law is opened. 

Council discussed if the offer to cover the costs of lifeguard training was made. Other options such as the re-imbursement of course fees at the end of the season to ensure we retain the lifeguards we train were being discussed as several concerns arose regarding enforcement of the agreement. Concerns that the lifeguards will obtain training for free from the Township and subsequently accept a job offer in another municipality for greater pay were discussed. A recommended solution was to hold back the employees final check to cover the costs of the courses. 

Council inquired regarding the inconsistencies of garbage pick-up in the Township. Members noted the truck has been down for repairs on several occasions, with no notice given to the public of these discrepancies. Members of Council stated it should be the responsibility of the company providing the service to inform the public of any and all issues affecting municipal garbage pick-up, not solely members of municipal staff. Options of notifying the public were discussed such as, the contractor announcing conflicts through social media outlets, either their own or by contacting municipal staff who subsequently announce the issue on the municipal website. Staff directed to contact service provider and express concerns of unreliable service. 

  • Decision: 2021-198
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT Municipal Council receives the CAO’s Administrative Report as presented.


Councillor Dillabough inquired why the docks at the Cardinal legion are not yet installed. It was noted that the current water levels too low to install the dock system without causing damage.

Deputy Mayor Deschamps inquired about possible future vaccination clinics within the Township. Members of Council indicated their willingness to assist in recruiting volunteers to aid in organizing vaccine clinics. It was noted that the Mayor of Westport organized vaccine clinics with approximately 15-20 people needed to run one. Ingredion has no more interest in hosting the clinic as they have directed staff to obtain their vaccine elsewhere. Councillor Hunter assumed the responsibility of organizing potential vaccine clinics on the condition the Township provides the set-up/clean-up of the facility. 

Councillor Hunter inquired as to when the Township gravel is being spread. It was noted that work should begin mid June. 

Mayor Sayeau reported on the following:

  • Update provided with respect to OPP detachment board and noted that the deadline for submission has been extended to June 28
  • UCLG organizing virtual meeting May 31, 2021 to discuss the aggregate resources master plan
  • Highlighted quote with respect to tax freedom day in Canada
  • May 26: Announcement with respect to Universal Broadband Funding Cogeco has also received ISED funding
  • Currently working with industrial employer for the development of a facility. Item will be on the upcoming Committee of the Whole - Administration & Finance meeting
  • Decision: 2021-199
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT Municipal Council receives the Mayor’s Report as presented.



  • Decision: 2021-200
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT Municipal Council proceeds into closed session at 9:25 p.m. in order to address a matter pertaining to:

    • Section 239(2)(b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; Specifically: Public Works and Minutes of Closed Session dated March 22, 2021 and May 10, 2021

Section 239(2)(b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; Specifically: Public Works and Minutes of Closed Session dated March 22, 2021 and May 10, 2021

  • Decision: 2021-201
    Moved by:J. Hunter
    Seconded by:T. Deschamps

    THAT the closed meeting does now adjourn and the open meeting of Municipal Council does now resume at 10:06 p.m.


Mayor Sayeau reported that Council reviewed the closed session minutes and received a report related to the Public Works Department.

  • Decision: 2021-202
    Moved by:S. Dillabough
    Seconded by:H. Cameron

    THAT Municipal Council receives and approves the closed session minutes dated March 22, 2021 and May 10, 2021.

  • Decision: 2021-203
    Moved by:H. Cameron
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT a by-law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by resolution be now passed, signed, sealed and numbered 2021-31.

  • Decision: 2021-204
    Moved by:T. Deschamps
    Seconded by:J. Hunter

    THAT Municipal Council does now adjourn at 10:10 p.m.

No Item Selected