Council Chambers and by Zoom
18 Centre Street, Spencerville ON
Contact the Township Office to Register
  • Councillor Hugh Cameron
  • Mayor Pat Sayeau
  • Deputy Mayor Tory Deschamps
  • Councillor Stephen Dillabough
  • Councillor John Hunter
  • John Bush, Advisory Member
  • Mark Packwood, Advisory Member

Councillor Cameron called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Mayor Sayeau
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Deschamps

    That the agenda be approved as presented.


Members inquired if the Township has received a report from Greenfield with respect to their increased capacity needs at the pumping station. It was noted that the Township has not received any correspondence of that nature from Greenfield, but will follow-up about the capacity report.

Committee reviewed the report and confirmed that there will be 6 parking spots at the location. Members confirmed that the property owner has received a full copy of the site plan control agreement for review and to provide feedback. Members highlighted that as per the agreement, the property owner is responsible for the development and would incur any costs if the refreshment vehicle owners did not comply with the site plan. It was noted that the Township has provided the property owner with the site plan and informed him that as the property owner, he is responsible to ensure that the agreement is fulfilled. Members confirmed that the Township received proper consent from the property owner for the use of the land with respect to the refreshment vehicle licensing requirements. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Hunter
    Seconded by:Councillor Dillabough

    That Committee recommend that Council adopt a bylaw to enter into a site plan control agreement with the property owner, Kevin Burchell, as attached.


Committee reviewed the report and noted that the information will be discussed during the May Council meeting in response to Councillor Hunter's notice of motion to dissolve the ward system. Members highlighted the potential cost associated with hiring a consultant to complete a review. It was noted that the service delivery review report suggested that a consultant may be hired to complete a review, however, the Municipal Act does not require a consultation process. Committee was provided an overview of the notice and appeal period stipulated in the Municipal Act. Members noted that it is a decision of Council and many members have received inquiries about the idea of moving to an at-large election during previous campaigns. Members highlighted that during the service delivery review process 4 of the 5 members indicated their support for an at-large election.

Committee reviewed the report and discussed the three areas of improvement identified during the audit. There was a general discussion on how the Township will address the area for improvement with respect to digitizing current handwritten record of tracking tables. It was noted that currently the tracking report is completed by hand, however the auditor has identified that the standard recognizes and prefers electronic/digital submission of reports. Members confirmed that both the Chief and Assistant Chief Operators are equipped with Township iPads.  

Members noted their support of handwritten reports to verify who completes the report and ease of accessing paper files for reference. Members confirmed that the Township has a tracking and filing system in place to access files easily when requested.

Township staff provided a summary of the report with examples to clarify various technical terms and measurements. 

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Hunter
    Seconded by:Councillor Dillabough

    That Committee recommends that Council receive and review the 2021 Spencerville Lagoon Discharge Report and direct staff to submit the report to MECP prior to the June 30th due date.


Members requested staff to confirm the legal company name of JF Dobbie and correct if necessary.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Mayor Sayeau
    Seconded by:Councillor Dillabough

    That Committee recommends that Council review the agreement and authorize the Director of Operations to enter into the agreement with J.F. Dobbie and Sons.


Township staff provided a summary of the report, noting that, depending on provincial restrictions, both pools could open in late June. It was noted that there are a sufficient number of lifeguards to operate and monitor the pools for public and adult swim, however, due to the pandemic shutting down the instructor training courses, there are not enough trained and qualified lifeguards to teach swimming lessons. It was noted that the public may need to register for time slots to swim in order to keep track of the number of public accessing the pool.

Committee discussed the report and inquired why the Town of Prescott is planning to open their pool between June 7-10. It was noted that the pool in Prescott is heated which allows for an earlier opening. Staff confirmed that there is no restriction on water temperature and that the Township is proposing to open the pools on the third weekend of June. It was noted that if the province reduces the restrictions on June 2, each pool would likely have a capacity limit of 25 people. Members confirmed that if a lifeguard resigns the Township could still operate both pools. 

Members noted that the donation from Ingredion and Greenfield would only be utilized if the Township offered swimming lessons. Members noted that the Town of Prescott entered into an agreement with the YMCA to run the swimming programs at the Prescott pool. Members inquired if Township staff have consulted with the YMCA to determine if the Township could also enter into an agreement for lifeguard services. It was noted that staff are unaware of the agreement details with Prescott but can follow-up with the YMCA.

Committee discussed the issue of student lifeguards not being able to access and attend certification training due to no courses being offered during the pandemic. It was noted that it may be possible for the lifeguards to attend the course after June 2 when the provincial lockdown is removed. Members suggested that the Township could cover the upfront cost of the course if the lifeguard is willing to work for the Township for the year. It was noted that if the lifeguard was willing to complete the training and work for the Township, then at the end of the season the Township could pay the student the cost of the training course.  Members requested staff to report back at the Council meeting if they receive information from the YMCA in time.

Committee reviewed the report and Members noted that they had expected to see a business plan for each scenario rather than just the overall expenses to the Township if the canteen hours are extended. Committee compared the current base hours versus the potential extended hours and confirmed that if the Township were to receive zero revenue to offset the additional expenses in wages, then the Township would incur an expense of approximately $4,200.00.

Members debated if the canteen hours should be extended for the season. Members were divided on the subject, some supporting extending the hours, while other were against it on the basis of impacting other local food businesses already trying to survive during the pandemic. Members highlighted that another food based business, in the form of a refreshment vehicle was discussed during the meeting and the owners of the business were likely basing their business case on the current canteen hours. It was noted that the original report from staff indicated that the canteen hours may remain status quo.

  • Decision:
    Moved by:Councillor Dillabough
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Deschamps

    That Committee recommends that Council extend the hours at the Cardinal waterfront canteen on Wednesday to Friday to 11:30am-7:30pm in 2021.


Councillor Dillabough inquired about a recent minor lawn mower accident. Members confirmed that the employee injuries were minor with no lost time and that employees receive proper training for the use of such equipment. It was noted that it was a simple mishap and that an incident report will be completed.

Councillor Hunter inquired if the gravel has been spread on specific Township roads. It was noted that the spreading of gravel will begin shortly. 



  • Decision:
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Deschamps

    That Committee does now adjourn at 8:05 p.m.
